• 1年经验
  • 本科
  • 招3人
  • 03-05 发布
  • 做五休二
  • 周末双休
  • 五险一金
  • 绩效奖金
  • 高温补贴
  • 节日福利
  • 带薪年假
  • 年终奖金
  • 定期体检


Job Description.Reporting to the CTO of the company. RA will work on the cell culture, microscopy, and associated molecular biology, histology tasks and protocols in the Lab. Additionally, the candidate will organize and coordinate cell culturing techniques and related lab tasks among the Lab members. This position also allows the candidate to carry out 3D Skin culture experiments in collaboration with Burn Dept of Zhejiang University, including any necessary sample collection, tissue and cell based assay analyses. These responsibilities will require developing and validating experimental protocols; organizing and assisting in collaborative efforts; training new lab members, and carrying out routine laboratory maintenance and procedures. In addition, general laboratory responsibilities are required, such as maintaining budgets, equipment, supplies, and reporting laboratory results.Basic Qualifications College background in biology, biochemistry, microbiology, biomedical engineering or related field required. Masters are preferred. At least two years of direct cell culture or related experience required. Education may count toward years of experience. Additional Qualifications Experience with in vitro analytical techniques to assess the cell viability of tissue constructs. Experience with HPLC would be plus. Experience working with embryonic stem cells, primary cell culture and 3D organotypic culture are preferred. Willingness to work outside of his/her discipline to accomplish project goals. Excellent molecular biology and microbiology skills. Experience with flow cytometry, ELISAs, PCR, and microscopy. Proven ability to draft and implement lab protocols. Ability to work independently as well as in a collaborative team environment. Strong work ethic, communication skills and goal-oriented personality. Candidate should be flexible to work on weekends (sometimes) to maintain the cell & tissue cultures!Working hours: 40 hours a weekJob type: full timeSalary: Languages : English and Chinese are mandatory interns of speaking, writing & understanding. Job location : Hangzhou, China企业简介:杭州原生生物有限公司原生从胚胎干细胞开发体外的带血管、带神经、带功能的、标准的活组织与器官系统,作为无限来源的人体组织器官来改善临床服务(再生医学,移植,精密医学等),以提高人体健康和医学研究评价。 原生的核心技术即曹彤教授的胚胎干细胞诱导分化平台技术始于2003年,至今已有15年技术积累。该技术的特点是从胚胎干细胞开发体外的带血管、带神经、有功能的、标准的活组织和器官系统。该技术将为未来的治疗、检测、研究提供细胞、组织和器官。 职能类别: 生物工程/生物制药 关键字: 实验助理




浙江加州国际纳米技术研究院绍兴分院是在浙江省科技厅的推动下,为了发挥浙江加州国际纳米技术研究院在国际合作、科技、人才的优势,促进纳米院及其国际合作伙伴的科研成果、人才和关联企业落户绍兴,于2010年由绍兴市人民政府和浙江加州国际纳米技术研究院(以下简称“纳米院”)联合共建,院长由全国优秀科技工作者、浙江省特级专家杨辉教授担任。下设综合办公室、国际技术转移中心、绍兴凯泰科技投资基金等机构。 在绍兴市政府、市科技局、市委组织部、袍江经济开发区等部门的大力支持下,绍兴分院充分利用“国家级国际联合研究中心”的平台功能,坚持“国际合作、产研互动”的建院方针,紧密围绕“共建协议”中的四大目标,在海外人才引进、企业合作和项目申报、凯泰科技投资基金建设、公共技术服务平台建设等方面取得了良好的成绩。 欢迎优秀人才加盟。 公司地址:绍兴市袍江新区群贤路口与中兴大道交叉口东南角一楼 旗下的绍兴锐创生物科技有限公司是国内首家全托管式专业孵化器,参照美国西雅图系统生物学研究院(isb)accelerator产业加速器成功模式,结合丰富的科研、商业资源,为创业团队提供从产品开发、试生产、临床试验,到sfda批文申报、融资、产品上市等一体化全程专业服务。孵化器分设杭州研发中心和绍兴产业化中心,总投资6000万元人民币,包括近4000万元的先进仪器设备和10万级洁净车间、实验室、检验室、独立的研发办公区域,可同时进行多项目的孵化。
