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  • 11-09 发布


职位描述: 上海交通大学药学院傅磊教授课题组与上海张江维亚生物科技(上海)有限公司的科研合作需要,招聘博士后研究员3-5名。研究方向:基于膜蛋白和其它新型靶点蛋白的天然产物药物筛选方法发展应聘条件:具有强烈从事科学研究的兴趣及丰富的天然产物药物筛选背景;有独立开展研究工作的能力、良好的团队精神,能够指导学生和工作人员;以第一作者发表过较好的SCI论文;熟悉天然产物分离,分析,有机化学研究手段,例如MS,NMR,HPLC,TLC,LCMS等有中药活性成分研究,天然产物化合物库查询的经验;有生物活性检测经验,分子细胞生物学背景;有较强的英文基础,能独立撰写英文研究论文;从事过亲和力靶向蛋白筛选者优先;从事过天然产物化学研究者优先;有分析分离化学技术(MS,NMR,HPLC,TLC,LCMS)经验者优先。合作导师:傅磊教授(网页:http://pharm.sjtu.edu.cn/fu_lab/)维亚生物科技(http://www.vivabiotech.com/en/index.php)岗位待遇:按上海交通大学博士后管理相关规定,享受博士后津贴,以及维亚生物科技(上海)有限公司的额外补贴。联系方式:申请者通过电子邮件或信函方式提交应聘材料(个人履历、科研工作经历总结、学术论文清单等)。初审合格者通知面试,未录用者,恕不退还上述材料。联系地址:上海交通大学药学院,上海市闵行区东川路800号生物医药七号楼514办公室,邮编:200240。Email: leifu@sjtu.edu.cn 职能类别: 生物工程/生物制药




Viva Biotech Ltd. ------- Expert in Preclinical Biology Services Viva Biotech, a Contract Research Organization (CRO), is dedicated to providing drug discovery biology service to global pharmaceutical and biotech companies. Viva has a team of leading scientists in drug discovery industry, many with over 10 years pharmaceutical and drug discovery experience in senior positions within companies such as Pfizer, Merck, Charles River, Millennium, Arqule, Enanta, Abbott and at premier academic institutions such as Harvard, Stanford, Cornell, Duke, Hughes Institute and the Burnham Institute. With our experienced team and efficient technology platforms, Viva is your partner for increasing efficiency and cutting the cost of drug discovery. Viva, with strong financial backing, is strategically located in the world-renowned biotech and pharmaceutical base, Zhangjiang high-tech industrial park, Shanghai, China. Viva aims to provide biology focused services supporting drug discovery and deliberately has no internal drug discovery activities to avoid any conflict of interest with its clients.
