• 1年经验
  • 大专
  • 招2人
  • 11-09 发布
  • 带薪年假
  • 五险一金
  • 免费班车
  • 绩效奖金
  • 节日福利
  • 专业培训
  • 餐饮补贴
  • 加班补贴


职位描述: Purpose of Job工作目的:1.Ensure timely preparation and analysis of samples within the department.确保按照时间要求及时地被制备样品并且对样品进行检测。2.Ensure that the Sino-Silliker quality system is followed.确保遵循诺安实力可的质量系统。Job Duties工作职责:1.Prepare, analyse and perform, the microbiological preparation and testing of samples in a profession manner following correctly SOPs under the supervision, or if these are not available the directions given by the supervisor of other senior staff then fill in timely relevant records.能够在监督下地正确地按照标准操作程序规定的方式分析并执行微生物样品的制备和检测,或不具备时按照组内负责人或其他高级的指导操作,并及时填写相关记录。2.Ensure that the work area is clean and tidy and all the glassware and small-scale equipment related to sample pre-treatment reach the adequate standard before using then fill in timely relevant records.确保工作区域整洁,所有的玻璃器皿和前处理涉及的小型仪器使用前达到合适的标准, 并及时填写相关记录。3.Maintain accurate legible records for all activities within the laboratory. Ensure the paper/electronic copies are kept securely according to laboratory procedures.对实验室所有正在进行中的检测操作维护准确可信的原始记录。并确保按实验室程序妥善保存书面/电子文件。4.Ensure that the sample testing information produced during analysis is entered into LIMS system correctly and completely.确保将分析过程中所产生的样品分析信息准确完整地输入LIMS系统。5.Ensure proper quality control and quality procedures are followed.确保执行了正确的质量控制流程并且遵循了正确的质量操作流程。6.Ensure that all waste is disposed to assigned site in a safe and secure manner.确保安全、可靠的将废弃物放至指定地点。7.Implement environmental monitor plan and record timely.实施环境监控计划并及时记录。8.Implement master housekeeping cleaning & sanitation schedule and record timely实施环境清洁及消毒计划并及时记录9.Prepare media according to specification of the method, and check the quality of the prepared media. Fill in the relevant records timely.根据标准方法中的内容指导员工制备培养基并核查配制培养基的质量,及时填写相关记录。10.Identify unusual situation in work and communicate to the supervisor or other senior staff判别工作中的异常情况并且与主管或者其他高级员工进行沟通11.Communicate procedural and operational difficulties and delays to the microbiology supervisor or the Laboratory Manager as required.根据需求对于操作流程和操作方法中的困难和延误向微生物主管或者实验室经理进行沟通。12.Communicate with and seek guidance from the microbiology supervisor or Laboratory Manager to meet laboratory targets.与微生物主管进行沟通,并且获得微生物主管和实验室经理的指导,以满足实验室的目标13.Perform other related tasks as needed.根据需求执行其他相关的任务。Job Specification任职资格:Education Background教育背景:Junior college education or above in food science, biology related majors大专及以上学历,食品科学,生物相关专业English level英语水平:Basic reading and writing skill基础读写能力Skills & Abilities技能和素质:Microbiology background微生物专业背景 职能类别: 化学分析测试员 其他 关键字: 微生物 分析员 检验 检测




梅里埃营养科学隶属于梅里埃研究所,成立于1967年,致力于引领全球公众健康事业,是全球领先的食品安全、质量和营养服务提供商。在全球21个国家拥有近100家实验室,并在美国、加拿大、法国、巴西、意大利和中国设立了6家专业研发中心,员工人数超过6500人。 诺安实力可作为梅里埃营养科学在中国的运营公司,拥有上海、北京、青岛、宁波四家实验室,为中国以致亚洲市场提供高质量的检测、审核、咨询、培训和研究等多元化服务,为全球食品产业链提供一站式解决方案。
